Loge L’Entente Cordiale



Hello, and welcome to Loge L’Entente Cordiale no. 2796. We are an Emulation workings lodge that meets four times a year in London at Grand Lodge in Great Queen Street. All our meetings are conducted in French. We hope you will find this website informative and helpful.

If you are new to Freemasonry and are looking to find out a bit more, may we suggest that you start by looking at FAQs which will tell you a little bit about our fraternity. If you are already a Freemason and are looking to find out more about Loge L’Entente Cordiale, please go to the “About” page.

We hope you enjoy our website and find it useful. If you want to find out more about Freemasonry in general and the Loge L’Entente Cordiale in particular, please feel free to contact our Lodge Secretary using the “Contact” page.


Why join

Freemasonry is about sharing a common desire for charitable support and following a high moral code. It is a male-only society, focused on following the three core principles and improving oneself and others. Our society is open to men of any race, religion, political belief and status.

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How to join

One of the most common misconceptions about Freemasonry – and there are many of them – is that you have to be invited to join. There is absolutely no reason why you should not ask to join.

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Lodge Meeting Dates

The Loge L’Entente Cordiale No. 2796 regular meetings are held at the United Grand Lodge of England in the late afternoons on the second Monday in February, the third Monday in May, the first Monday in October and the second Monday in December (Installation).

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Read about the latest updates and changes, related to our brotherhood

Springboard FutureChef Receives £10,000 from the London Freemasons

Springboard FutureChef Receives £10,000 from the London Freemasons, Serving up the Recipe for Young People’s Success from Southwark, Lewisham, Enfield and Kensington & Chelsea

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A Very Special Visitor and Raising Ceremony at Earl Spencer Lodge No 1420

W Bro Gary Lonsdale, The Grand Tyler of The Grand Lodge of Antient, Free and Accepted Masons of New Zealand, was the guest of honour at Earl Spencer Lodge No 1420.

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FOREWORD: RW Bro. Warren Duke, Metropolitan Grand Master

Freemasonry is a force that evolves with the times, and so too must the ways we connect and share our stories. With this in mind, I am writing to share an important development: Arena, our much-loved magazine, will no longer be printed.

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Springboard FutureChef Receives £10,000 from the London Freemasons

A Very Special Visitor and Raising Ceremony at Earl Spencer Lodge No 1420

FOREWORD: RW Bro. Warren Duke, Metropolitan Grand Master


Below you can find information, related to our latest events and activities

Lord Mayor’s Show, Parade and Luncheon

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Belmont Ensemble Concert

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Organ Concert

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